PizzeRIA AIR example

The PizzeRIA AIR example is similar to the evaluation application of the PizzeRIA web example but works outside the browser as a standalone desktop application and uses the encrypted AIR database for offline evaluations.

The demo application shows how local order data can be evaluated and how the data can be easily updated with the latest online orders. The PizzeRIA AIR Video (requires a FlashPlayer) gives an impression of this extra functionallity.

PizzeRIA AIR Video

(more: Application details , PizzeRIA AIR Video (requires a FlashPlayer))

Installing the PizzeRIA AIR demo (uninstalling is explained below)

The easiest way to install the PizzeRIA AIR demo application (size approx. 600KB), is by clicking "Install Now" in the image below. This will also install the Adobe Integrated Runtime environment (15 MB for Windows / 23 MB for Mac / 13 MB for Linux) if necessary.

Alternatively the PizzeRIA AIR demo and the AIR environment can be downloaded using the following direct links:
Direct link to the AIR environment: http://get.adobe.com/air/
Direct link to the demo: PizzeRIA_AIR_demo_01n.air (updated version june 2017 - install it by double-clicking the downloaded file).

Installation aspects explained

On application install a message pops up that states:

Publisher Identity: UNKNOWN

The publisher of this application cannot be determined.

Because the PizzeRIA AIR demo is published with a self-signed certificate, the publisher's identity is marked UNKNOWN.
For a real-world application a verification of the publisher's identity can be achieved by obtaining a Code Signing Certificate signed by a trusted third-party vendor.


This application may access your file system and the internet, which may put your computer at risk.

All AIR applications (with or without a code signing certificate) have this warning. At the moment it is not possible to offer an AIR application with restricted access.

This warning scares a lot of possible customers. It gives the impression that an AIR application is getting greater system access than the regular .exe file. Fact is that AIR has exactly the same access to the file system as the current user. Therefore it is important to run (AIR) applications in a restricted user account to minimize security risks and possible abuses.

Further reading: http://blogs.adobe.com/simplicity/2008/05/airs_unrestricted_system_access_warning.html

Uninstalling the PizzeRIA AIR demo

On all operating systems the installed PizzeRIA AIR demo can be uninstalled by double-clicking the downloaded file PizzeRIA_AIR_demo_01n.air. Then select the option for uninstalling an installed application.


Windows: go to Control Pane => Add Remove Programs, locate the PizzeRIA AIR demo and click 'Remove'

Mac OS X: drop the PizzeRIA AIR demo application in the trash

Linux: use the uninstaller in this link: http://blogs.media-tips.com/bernard.opic/uninstaller-for-adobe-air/

Deleting the local database data of the PizzeRIA AIR demo:

The PizzeRIA AIR demo uses the AIR SQLite database. The data in the database is not removed automatically and must be removed separately:

Windows: delete the following directory:

“C:\Documents and Settings\[userName]\Application Data\com.riamore.pizzeria.air.demo.[application ID]”

The directory to be deleted contains a subdirectory "Local Store" that contains the encrypted database "PizzeRIA_01.db"

Mac OS X: delete the following directory:

"/Users/[userName]/Library/Preferences/com.riamore.pizzeria.air.demo.[application ID]"

The directory to be deleted contains a subdirectory "Local Store" that contains the encrypted database "PizzeRIA_01.db"

Linux: use the uninstaller in this link: http://blogs.media-tips.com/bernard.opic/uninstaller-for-adobe-air/

Deleting the encrypted local data of the PizzeRIA AIR demo:

The PizzeRIA AIR demo uses the AIR SQLite database. Encrypted data must be removed separately:

Windows: delete the following directory (ELS stands for Encrypted Local Store):

“C:\Documents and Settings\[userName]\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\ELS\com.riamore.pizzeria.air.demo.[application ID] ”

This directory contains four files: PrivateEncryptedData, PrivateEncryptedDatai, PrivateEncryptedDatak and PrivateEncryptedDatav.

Mac OS X: delete the following directory (ELS stands for Encrypted Local Store):

"/Users/[userName]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/ELS/com.riamore.pizzeria.air.demo.[application ID]”

This directory contains four files: PrivateEncryptedData, PrivateEncryptedDatai, PrivateEncryptedDatak and PrivateEncryptedDatav.

Linux: use the uninstaller in this link: http://blogs.media-tips.com/bernard.opic/uninstaller-for-adobe-air/

Uninstalling the AIR environment (after the PizzeRIA AIR demo has been uninstalled):

It is also possible to uninstall the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) environment.

Windows: go to Control Panel/Add Remove Programs, locate the AIR environment and click 'Remove'.

Mac OS X: use the Adobe AIR Uninstaller.app. This application can be found in /Applications/Utilities/.

Linux: use the uninstaller in this link: http://blogs.media-tips.com/bernard.opic/uninstaller-for-adobe-air/